The Beslan School Memorial
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
  Nekulturny Russian School Attacked in North Ossetia, Children Taken Hostage
More than 400 people, including many children, have been taken hostage by a group of armed militants in the southern Russian republic, North Ossetia. This comes a day after a suicide attack in Moscow that killed nine people.
Police say more than a dozen heavily-armed men and women stormed into the school, just as students and teachers entered the building on the first day of classes in the new school year.
There are reports of shooting and that the attackers are wearing suicide bomb belts.
Bloomberg reports that at least 200 children are hostage and there are some people dead. Other reports indicate some children managed to escape. [update] 8 people are reportedly dead. The уроди are threatening to blow up the school if attempts at rescue are made and they are forcing children to stand at the windows.
[update] We have a Russian speaker doing updates direct from the Russian newswires.
By Kathy Kinsley at 06:51. Filed in: Terrorism news, Islamism
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The Laughing Wolf linked with Russian School Hostage Crisis
Backcountry Conservative linked with 400 Russian Hostages Held in Standoff
Backcountry Conservative linked with Commandos Storm School amid Explosions, Gunfire
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“A scam for everything and everything a scam.” from comment #4
Comment by wits0 — 1 Sep, 2004 @ 14:38

They believe children are all born Muslim and they only become other religions because their parents corrupt them…Sigh. But that Imam does have a chance of getting through to the kidnappers because he is talking their language… and if it gets a few babies out of there, I’d thank him for that (though not much else).
Comment by Kathy K — 1 Sep, 2004 @ 17:45

People like this are why we are supposed to have a global war on terror. People like this should be raped, beaten, strung up, made to eat their own testicles, left to die from bleeding or better yet starvation, and then fed to swine, just so they don’t get their virgins. Did I mention they should be naked to whole time just like the Abu Graib guys? (I don’t know why it’s such a bad thing over there but for some reason it seems to work.)
More power to the Imam for doing what he can to get the kids out. We need more people in the Muslim world to start advocating peace.
Comment by Jeremy — 1 Sep, 2004 @ 19:43

Advocating peace in this given context is simply a fundamental contradiction in the long run when it is qualified with that indecent bitting urge to turn everyone else a vampire as oneself. This is just a bandaid.
Comment by wits0 — 2 Sep, 2004 @ 00:10
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