And the U.S. sent troops to Bosnia to protect these animals from the very thing they do. How much of this is funded by Saudi Arabia's "princes"? The common denominator in every instance is Arab. They spawned Bin Laden, financed Palistinian terrorists when do we as a nation stop dealing with this scum and let them eat their sand and oil. Destroy their means of revenue and blockade their country, turn the sand to glass if need be. Enough of their lying about their being our friends.
Posted by: Jack at September 4, 2004 01:52 AM
Elequent and terse. All those futures destroyed in the vain hope of getting 72 virgins.
I have linked to Emigre's post that allows you to send a letter to the Russian leaders. Please - everyone who see this - go to and send them your hopes and prayers.
Posted by: GOC in Winston Salem at September 4, 2004 06:31 AM
May they all rot, naked and unburied with no prayers for the obscene darkness of their souls. May they wander for eternity in a hell of their own making, forever haunted by the screams of the innocents murdered at their hands. May the vultures grow fat on their putrid carcasses.
Posted by: Chablis at September 4, 2004 04:03 PM
There is a special place in hell for these people.They have no humanity.Where are the shrieks of condemnation from the Ummama?The sound of the wind through the trees...There death cult hurts the soul of all decent people .I dont care who your diety of choice is .But I know evil when I see it.We are seeing the true face of the reilgon of beheading .I have seen enough ..We need to scatter there ideas to the winds.We would be doing there women a favor if we forced a change on ISLAM.....Cheers from Hurricane Ally
Posted by: LC NeilV at September 4, 2004 05:28 PM
One can only hope:
they all rot, naked and unburied with no prayers for the obscene darkness of their souls. May they wander for eternity in a hell of their own making, forever haunted by the screams of the innocents murdered at their hands. May the vultures grow fat on their putrid carcasses.
SlagleRock Out!
Posted by: SlagleRock at September 5, 2004 01:32 AM
Shame, bitter shame on YOU, Mama, for using such soft and non-judgemental words!
Their evil should be marked out starkly, not with soft, easy terms you used.
But, as I think of it, I can find few more directly vehement words to describe the gutlessness, the shameful cowardice and ignorant bullying thuggishness you so aptly described before me.
Concur yr analysis.
Posted by: Sharps Shooter at September 6, 2004 11:04 AM